Divided by birth

Alifia Ghantiwala
2 min readOct 24, 2020


Life is not an equal playing field, don’t we all have our privileges. I was privileged to have a happy childhood. I did not qualify or work for it but I was lucky that it was handed out to me. Honestly, having a privilege is not a problem but not considering it as one is.

Deciding whether a person is superior than the other merely by where and who they are born as, has always puzzled me. I have still not been able to wrap by head around divides based on race, caste, economic backgrounds, gender. Why do we still adhere to these divides is a question for another debate altogether. Of all these man-made divides today let us dig deeper into the Woman vs Man divide.

Man and Woman

Photo by Heng Films on Unsplash

What exactly makes a man better than a woman? If that is not the case why is female infanticide prevalent even today(which explains the increasingly distorted gender imbalance)

Why does the modern man of the 21st century not shy away from asking for dowry? (Reports from the National Crime Records Bureau suggest that at least one woman dies every hour in India because of dowry)

Why is that even after so many years of civilization, crimes against women are still rampant? Be it domestic violence, rapes, murder, harassments and the list is long.

Why is it that even when both male and female candidates start with the same salary at the same company, over the years a general trend observed is that men are preferred for promotions and raises.

Of course women are not equal to men, they can’t be. Women cannot suppress an entire gender for generations keeping them devoid of basic rights like education.

Being a man in the current world we reside in, is nothing less than a privilege. A privilege that has been handed out, not earned and a privilege that when misused can disrupt lives. Of all injustices humankind has seen, according to me the worst would be to not let an individual progress or rather repress them to an extent that they grow dependent only because of who they are born as.






Alifia Ghantiwala
Alifia Ghantiwala

Written by Alifia Ghantiwala

Trying to investigate data better!

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