Crash diets, Demystified
A highly advertised and common way of losing a considerable amount of weight fast, is to crash diet. But is it the right thing to do with our bodies.
Recently, I embarked on my weight loss journey and in pursuit of doing things correctly, I searched the internet and found a plethora of information and the easiest way I could find for losing all of my extra pounds was to crash diet, I mean according to some articles I could have a major weight loss or should I say fat loss in almost 2 weeks and that too without having to exercise.
But now there were too many crash diets available, some said have only fruits throughout the day, some mentioned to have fluid diets, some said eat only carbohydrates, some advised to undertake protein supplements. You get my point right, too much information with very little proof of what actually was effective.
In my chase of finding the right crash diet I stumbled upon a book by nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar ‘Don’t lose your mind, lose your weight’. The title itself was quite catchy and the author’s credibility is well established.
So I began reading and re-reading the book, and can safely conclude that you should not be going on any diet which you cannot keep for your life. Can you by any means spend the rest of your life drinking juice, no right? By going on a juice diet for say 2 weeks you may lose weight but would also experience fatigue which is natural, you cannot gain the nutrients of an entire meal just by a glass or two of fruit juices.
What happens when you go on any extreme diet is, there are high chances of losing considerable muscle mass which does lead to a drop on the weighing scale but also a drastic change in your energy levels, most of the time you feel tired and just go by your day like a zombie not to add that you are left with flabby skin and chipped nails with rough and dry hair.
We all want to lose weight and look pretty, but certainly crash diet is not the way forward. It may give you short term results but is a definite no for your long term goals. You would have to do the hard work to exercise regularly and eat right by which I mean have a balanced diet full of nutrients.
Another disadvantage of crash diets which nobody discusses is that while you are on it you’re losing weight but once you are off it you tend to gain more weight than you lost. Not a good bet in my opinion.
There are no shortcuts to weight loss, if you want to do it right, take the longer route and do not punish your bodies with crash dieting.
P.S The author has done an amazing job in cumulating various tips which we could use to lose our weight in a stress-free manner and stay healthy. Do read the entire book, I found it very valuable, you would too.😊
As far as my weight loss journey is concerned I would say it is a work in progress, the only difference is now I am enjoying the process by including habits in my days that would benefit me for a life time.
With this I sign off. Until next time.